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Taryn Laine Clinic is a Medical Aesthetic Clinic,
aiding both men and women.

Dr. Mike Henry MB ChB (UCT)
Board Certified with the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (2013)

"We know how important it is to feel comfortable in your own skin."

We offer the following services

Known as liquid facelifts - a non-invasive & trusted approach to anti-ageing.
We offer the most medically advanced aesthetic facial & body treatments, including chemical peels, micro needling & vampire facials.
A surgical procedure to remove excess fat and reshape the body.
A remodelling procedure using your own body fat to enhance the size and shape of your buttocks.
A more permanent surgical approach to enhancing the contours of your face.
Transferring your own body fat to areas lacking in shape.
A surgical procedure to remove excess skin from droopy eyelids.
A surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper lip.

Who are we?
The clinic you can trust.

Taryn Laine Clinic is a Medical Aesthetic Clinic that aims to assist men and women of all ages to achieve a more attractive and natural appearance of face and body using accepted and well researched medical treatments and products.

Founded in 2005 by Medical Doctor Mike Henry MBChB (UCT) who continues to be the principal Aesthetic Medical Practitioner with 19 years of hands on experience, Board Certified with the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine( AAAM) in 2013 and an appointed Medical Instructor to doctors for the South African Allergan Academy since its inception in 2010 till 2023.

We do not believe that the desire to feel comfortable in one’s own skin is “vanity” or that there is any need to be resigned to “aging disgracefully”. People tend to feel finally comfortable about their inner identities from their mid fifties onward: yet felt most physically attractive in their early 30’s. What 65 year old who has it inwardly “together” wants to be “written off” by all around her because she appears “tired , washed out and over the hill with hollow eyes, turned down mouth corners and saggy jowels “? Surveys show that she doesn’t want to look like she did at 22: rather, she desires a natural looking age appropriate outcome with positive facial messages like “looking energetic, with it and serene”. Modern aesthetic medicine empowers a well trained and experienced Aesthetic doctor to reshape the face and body to close that gap so that you will be “taken seriously”. The same applies to younger folk who dislike certain aspects of their appearance to the extent that it it impairs their ability to “be themselves” around others. 

Our commitment is to safety and comfort and the use of up to date techniques. So we put a high priority on using the best products available in SA and being fussy about pain prevention. We won’t rush and we will never belittle your concerns.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept Medical Aids
Taryn Laine Clinic is a Cash practice - Medical Aid not accepted.

Do you have any questions?

Are your thoughts and concerns circling in an endless loop?

Overthinking can lead to inaction because you become overwhemed by fear.
We are the clinic you can trust and pride ourselves on going above and beyond for our patients to ensure they are treated with tender loving care at all times.

Our approach is not a Doctor to patient relationship, but rather person to person.
Feel free to contact Taryn Laine Clinic, we look forward to answering your questions: 041 374 7852


© 2024 Taryn Laine Clinic website designed by PE Marketing.
Taryn Laine Clinic, Medical Aesthetic Cosmetic Clinic, facial appearance improvement, Botox, Tissue Filler injections, surgical blepharoplasty, surgical “bullhorn” lip lifts, chemical peeling, dermarolling, cosmeceutical skin care products, liposculpture