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Fat Transfer

At Taryn Laine Clinic, we offer fat transfer procedures by liposuction fat removal whereby your own fat is harvested and transferred into desired areas to improve overall shape and contour. Click here for a more detailed explanation on butt reshaping and augmentation via fat transfer.

Other areas amenable to fat transfer that we treat at TLC are:

Calf fat transfer (increasing the size and improving the shape of calves)
Lateral thigh transfer (improving the shape and appearance of the lateral thighs)
Hip Dips
Facial fat Transfer (Click here for more info)

Fat Transfer works by the following steps:

Reduction in the size of certain areas (by liposuction fat removal) like the waist (and love-handles), sacral curve and saddlebags,
Enlargement (augmentation) of other areas (by implantation of your own fat harvested from other areas of your body) like the hip dips, calves or lateral thighs. Or, a combination of both procedures during which certain zones are reduced in size and others are enlarged, leading to an often-times quite amazing transformation in figure shape: a case of 1+1 = 3 in terms of the result.

The fat that will be used for transferring is harvested via Liposuction, which is performed at our Clinic (in an on-sight dedicated operating theatre) using the worldwide standard of tumescent local anesthetic infiltration into the areas from which fat is removed (and discarded) or harvested. This makes it virtually painless and extremely safe from a blood loss point of view. You will also be safely sedated (asleep but rousable so you can turn to new positions) whilst undergoing continual cardio-respiratory monitoring. Sedation turns it into a pleasant experience.

The fat is removed via narrow cannulas (hollow rigid metal tubes). Fat needs to be harvested from other body areas – and this needs to be done in a way that leaves you with a better body shape overall. So part of the assessment for body fat transfer is determining how much and from what areas the fat must be taken. This fat harvesting procedure is in itself an aesthetic liposuction type procedure and needs to be done with plenty of skill and experience to ensure a pleasing overall reshaping of your body (so that, at the very least, the donor area does not look worse than before). It is often technically more difficult and time consuming (and so usually more expensive) than the fat transfer part of the procedure.

The harvested fat is then processed to remove excess fluid and placed into special syringes for implantation (transplantation) via hollow cannulas into the marked out zones. It is then injected along the cannula tracks of the implantation cannulas as they are moved backwards and forwards through the fat, which has also been anaesthetised via the tumescent technique. This part is also very comfortable. The correct volumes and positioning of the filling zones are critical for a good result. Dr Henry is a member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and keeps up to date with the best techniques and equipment to use.





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Taryn Laine Clinic, Medical Aesthetic Cosmetic Clinic, facial appearance improvement, Botox, Tissue Filler injections, surgical blepharoplasty, surgical “bullhorn” lip lifts, chemical peeling, dermarolling, cosmeceutical skin care products, liposculpture