facial fat transfer header image Dr Henry


Facial Fat Transfer and Stem Cell Therapy

At Taryn Laine Clinic we offer Fat and Stem cell Transfer to Face, Neck, Décolleté, Hands and Stretch Marks. Optionally combined with PRP (Platelet rich Plasma).

Your own fat (autologous) is harvested, processed, and the immature undifferentiated stem cells with or without the fully developed adult fat cells are transferred to improve wrinkles, deflation, sagging, tissue thinning and pigmentation. Since it is your own tissue it cannot be rejected by your body. It is performed safely in our onsite theatre virtually painlessly under local anaesthesia and sedation.

Fat cell transfer results are immediate; the effect of the transferred stem cells takes weeks to months to develop. The results are far longer lasting than with conventional synthetic fillers and have the potential to be permanent.

Harvested fat (called Microfat or Macrofat) comprises both living adult Fat cells (approx. 20% by number) as well as SVF (Stromal Vascular Fraction) cells (approx. 80% by number); most of the SVF cells are actually Stem cells that are capable of turning into adult fat cells, fibroblast cells (that make collagen), blood vessels and other cells that are lacking in your target sites. These stem cells have the potential to replicate indefinitely, maintaining a reservoir of living tissue for years to come.

AT TLC we use Microfat (as opposed to Macrofat) for transfer into the Face, neck, décolleté, hands and stretch marks that is harvested (obtained) via a very fine bore harvesting cannula; this means that the transferred fat is comprised of tiny clumps of living cells that are of small diameter and therefore give smoother and long-lasting results. Larger fat cell clumps (Macrofat) obtained via wider conventional liposuction cannulas tend to cause lumpiness of the final contour result: also, the centres of the cell clumps die off leading to more volume loss of the transferred fat with disappointing late deflation. We at Taryn Laine Clinic do not, therefore, transfer Macrofat into any of these areas.

Microfat (comprised of both living adult fat cells and stem cells) is placed either deep to the skin into the fat planes and compartments via blunt-tipped micro-cannulas, or, in the case of SNIF ("SNIF" means "Sharp needle intra-dermal fat" transfer), it is injected more superficially into the dermis via a sharp needle. In an optional additional preparation step, PRP can be added to the microfat before transfer. The volumising results (due to the adult fat cells) of Microfat and SNIF transfer are seen immediately: they appear exaggerated at first due to the usual post-operative swelling, and slowly decrease till reaching a long-term stable result at about 4 to 6 months post-procedure. The stem cell effects on skin quality and pigmentation emerge more slowly, also over 4 months to a year. This is because the stem cells slowly but surely mature into adult cells like fibroblasts (that then produce collagen and elastin). The stem cells are the reason for the very long-term positive results of fat transfer as they keep regenerating cells indefinitely.

Stem cell only transfer

The harvested fat is processed so that only viable stem cells remain. This can be done in one of 2 ways, so producing 2 possible stem cell preparations for injection.

Nanofat preparation involves mechanical rupture and destruction of the adult fat cells by the Tonnard technique. The stem cells survive the process, and so Nanofat comprises viable stem cells in an oily emulsion. It is injected either into or just below the dermis of the skin. The body soon clears away the fatty emulsion from the recipient tissue by natural processes. The living stem cells remain. Alternatively, in a further step, the stem cells are separated from the oily emulsion by centrifugation, suspended either in Saline or your own Platelet rich Plasma (PRP), and then injected in the same way and into the same zones as for Nanofat.

There is post-op swelling due both to the trauma of the injection process and, in the case of having used Nanofat, the presence of the fatty molecules: but the swelling progressively subsides over 2 to 4 weeks. The rejuvenation effects are delayed in onset as the remaining living stem cells slowly transform into adult cells; meaningful results emerge at 6 weeks and build toward the final result at 4 to 6 months and longer post-procedure. As with the stem cells in Microfat, these purified stem cells have the potential for permanent survival and multiplication and so the results tend to be very long lasting. Skin quality, pigmentation & the appearance of stretch marks are substantially improved.

The results of Microfat, SNIF, Nanofat and pure Stem cell transfer are long lasting for several or more years because they involve living tissue.

The improvement of skin pigmentation problems is intriguing. The transferred cells seem to communicate (via chemical messages) with the pigment producing cells (melanocytes), causing them to tone down their pigment over-production. Slowly over months to years the areas like dark eye circles improve in a very meaningful way.




Skillfully performed facial fat transfer delivers very natural contours and surface regularity.  Fat transfer is well known to improve the surface texture and appearance of the overlying skin.


Recovery is two weeks for bruising to settle, 6 weeks for swelling and four months for final result.





Before & After

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Taryn Laine Clinic, Medical Aesthetic Cosmetic Clinic, facial appearance improvement, Botox, Tissue Filler injections, surgical blepharoplasty, surgical “bullhorn” lip lifts, chemical peeling, dermarolling, cosmeceutical skin care products, liposculpture